Due to hidden commissions paid by energy suppliers to third-party introducers or brokers, thousands of businesses and other organisations across the UK may be owed tens of thousands of pounds.
Energy Commission Claims is aware that these secret commissions have been given to brokers for more than ten years, contributing to the rise in energy costs for small enterprises and other non-profit groups.
A broker commission is typically paid by an energy provider based on the final customer’s energy consumption. According to the documents we have seen, commissions can be as high as 10p per kWh spent. The energy provider then raises the unit price that the client pays in order to recuperate the cost of this commission. Customers are frequently not informed of this practice and are unaware that a portion of their energy cost goes towards broker commissions.
Energy firms can now be held accountable for the money they paid brokers in these “secret arrangements” since they failed to disclose this information to their clients. Depending on the increase in your energy bill, the amount of energy used, and the duration of each impacted contract, the sums payable could be considerable.
How can I claim?
If you are a business, charity, school, club, or place of worship and you used energy brokers to negotiate gas or electricity deals but were unaware that the brokers would receive a commission, you may be eligible to file a claim. Learn more by visiting www.energycommissionclaims.co.uk.